Delta RIBBON the brand new #1 NVI sire in the Netherlands
Delta RIBBON has become the brand new ‘number one’ NVI sire in the Netherlands at +336 NVI. He kicks the former #1 NVI sire DG DV SIMAX off the throne, who now guarantees for +334 NVI. In third follows Delta CRAFTSMAN at +326 NVI. Furthermore, we find Gen Bellroy at the sixth spot with +321 NVI, Hul-Stein CROWNMAX at a shared 7th spot with new sire Gen RAVE with both noting +315 NVI. VH Bube BERNELL and S-S-I Mogul Reflector changed places. BERNELL takes charge with +286 NVI 239 milking daughters and REFLECTOR notes +271 NVI with 179 milking daughters. The top three at the top ranking R&W NVI genomic sires are all sired by the currently #4 R&W NVI sire Delta Jacuzzi-Red (+309 NVI). Topping the list is Delta Nominator-Red with +350 NVI. The #1 daughter proven R&W NVI sire is again Elegaaster MAXX-RED with +245 NVI and 166 daughters. In second follows Schreur APOLL P-RED with +242 NVI and 191 daughters. Also R DG ADAM-RED has a solide proof and drops one spot to place 4 with +219 NVI and 60 milking daughters.
- Netherlands - B&W - Genomic Bulls - 04/20
- Netherlands - B&W - Dtr proven bulls - 04/20
- Netherlands - R&W - Genomic Bulls - 04/20
- Netherlands - R&W - Dtr proven bulls - 04/20
Schopscherhof 1
Lohmar, Germany