Flyer La Brasserie Holstein Sale!
A new flyer of the early consignments for the La Brasserie Holstein Sale taking place August 21 in Plomelin, France. Selling are a Doorman granddaughter of the Grand Champion World Dairy Expo 2017: Rossiers Blexy Goldwyn EX-96-USA, a directly daughter of the 'one million dollar cow' KHW Regiment Apple-Red EX-96-USA, a Blondin Raptor (not available in Europe) daughter of Blondin Goldwyn Subliminale EX-96-USA, a Chrome granddaughter of the LEGEND Huronia Centurion Veronica EX-97-USA, an Altitude-Red (either not available in Europe) sister to Blondin Avalanche Darleen-Red VG-87-CAN 2yr. - 2nd Milking Yearling World Dairy Expo 2019 & multiple high index heifers, show cows, FEMALE embryos and more! Go to website of La Brasserie Holstein for more info or visit their page @ Facebook.
La Brasserie Holstein Sale 2020
August 21, Plomelin (Finistère) France
La Douettée
Bréal-sous-Montfort, France
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