FINAL HOURS - Online EASTER Heifer Sale!
It are the final hours of the Online Easter Heifer Sale. This sale propably offers the best line-up we ever had in a Online Sale! Selling are: Bons-Holsteins Koba 191 EX-94-NL her Solomon daughter, +2756 GTPI (BB/ A2A2) Kenobi grand daughter of Al-Lew Monterey Ashley EX-90-USA @ FLUSH AGE, 1st Choice FEMALE sired by CHIEF from the VG-86-FR full sister to Hanna-Vray EX-95-CH & Galys-Vray EX-94-CH, the classwinner Jersey show Swiss Expo 2020, +2852 GTPI Riveting heifer from the Classy's, R&W Reeve-Red daughter from the Bons-Holsteins Aaltje's, FRESH sister to BLUES-RED (+2610 GTPI) and many more. Shop your EASTER presents now and visit WWW.SALE.EUROGENES.COM.
Eurogenes EASTER Heifer Sale
Start: Vrijdag 10. April / Friday 10. April
Sluiting: / Closing: Vrijdag 17. April 21:00 uur / Friday 17. April 09:00 P.M. (Dutch Time)
Veiling Methode: / Sale Methode: TAG+ Sale methode
Some examples of the heifers selling:
Schönhof's Colton Jessica - 1st place Swiss Expo 2020
Colton x Jenny VG-86-AT 2yr. x Jessy VG-87-AT (s. Brook)
- Maternal sisters were Junior Champion Swiss Expo '18 & 1st Swiss Expo '19
NH Kenobi Atamanga
+2756 GTPI // 150 RZG Kenobi grand dtr of Al-Lew Monterey Ashley EX-90-USA @ FLUSH AGE!
>>> CLICK HERE <<<
Snapshots Kedar Present Autumn Pi
Present Pi x Kedar Jongleur Apricot Pi VG-88-UK x President Tau x Steiner's Wurl Ashlyn EX-93-UK x Ace Arve EX-97-CH
>>> CLICK HERE <<<
1st Choice FEMALE - Stantons CHIEF x Laila-Vray VG-86-FR VG-88-MS
Chief x Laila-Vray VG-86-FR VG-88-MS (s. Atwood) - full sister to Hanna-Vray EX-95-CH & Galys-Vray EX-94-CH
>>> CLICK HERE <<<
Beeze Oldleus Fame - #19 PTAT Calf <9 months in Europe at +3.27 PTAT
Crushtime x ARGH Feline (s. Delight) x WI Beemer Felli VG-87-NL 2yr. x Engstad Madleine EX-94-CH family
Reeve Aaltje-Red
Reeve-Red x Bons-Holsteins Aaltje 4 VG-88 (s. Awesome-Red) x Bons-Holsteins Aaltje 2 EX-90 (s. Jotan-Red) x Aaltje 40 VG-89 family
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NH Sunview Zekon Melua (BB / A2A2)
- +2743 GTPI & BB / A2A2 at FLUSH AGE Zekon daughter of Gym Mystery!!
- Maternal sister by Kenobi sold for 25.000 EUR in the HighlightSale 2020
- Grand dam is the #1 RZG cow / heifer for over 4 years in Germany: Marilyn Monroe VG-86-DE 2yr.
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Nohl Koba - RARE opportunity to buy Koba 191 her heifer calf!
Solomon x Bons-Holsteins Koba 191 EX-94-NL EX-95-MS (s. Jasper) x Bons-Holsteins Koba 152 EX-92-NL (s. Integrity)
>>> CLICK HERE <<<
Batouwe Aisa Salva *RC (FRESH) - full sister to BLUES-RED (+2610 GTPI)
Mr Salvatore *RC x Batouwe Salsa Aiko Red VG-85-NL 2yr. x A-L-H Australia VG-87 (s. Supersire) x VG-85 x GOLDWYN AIKO EX-91
>>> CLICK HERE <<<
K&L KD Wishfull - #8 PTAT Heifer >9 months in Europe at +3.40 PTAT! (04/20)
King Doc x Siemers Solomon Whipcream x Siemer Brkw Whipcream EX-91 x Vision-Gen Whip-A770 EX-94 x EX-93 x EX-95 x EX-94
>>> CLICK HERE <<<
Schönhof's Unix Megabeat - dam was 5th at Swiss Expo 2020
Unix x Schönhof's Aftershock Megashoc EX-92-AT x Schönhof's Sid Mailand EX-94-AT EX-96-MS (Austrian National Champion '18)
>>> CLICK HERE <<<
NH Huey Marilen (BB / A2A2) >>> CLICK HERE <<<
- Straight from the LEGEND herself!! The ONLY Huey with +2750 GTPI of Marilyn Monroe VG-86-DE 2yr. SELLS!
- Marilyn Monroe has >13 sons in A.I. and is for >4 years the #1 RZG heifer or cow in Germany!
- She is as well the PROTEIN machine with 4.1% PROTEIN!
- Backed by 10 generations VG scored cows from the Jo-Wal Cleitus Macey VG-87-USA GMD DOM family
For the full catalog -- CLICK HERE --