Hanna-Vray her first CRUSHTIME daughter fresh!!
The reigning Udder & Reserve Grand Champion Swiss Expo: Hanna-Vray EX-95-CH EX-97-MS her first COL DG CRUSHTIME daughter is fresh!! Mattenhof Crushtime Helena calved at 1 year and 10 months and already scored VG-85 as a 2-Yr Old in Switzerland. Her full sister sold through the German Masters Sale 2019 to the United Kingdom. Consign your very best now for the German Masters Sale 2021.
Photo credits: Mattenhof Holsteins, Guillaume Moy Photographies, Wolfhard Schulze ©
Mattenhof Crushtime Helana VG-85-CH 2yr.
Crushtime x Hanna-Vray EX-95-CH EX-97-MS (s. Atwood) x Corse-Vray EX-92-FR EX-92-MS (s. Damion)
Dam: Hanna-Vray EX-95-CH EX-97-MS
- Udder & Reserve Grand Champion Swiss Expo 2020
- Udder Champion Swiss Expo 2017
- 3rd place Swiss Expo 2017
- Reserve Udder Champion Expo Bulle 2016
- 1st place Expo Bulle 2016
- 2nd place Swiss Expo 2016
Full sister to Hanna-Vray: Galys-Vray EX-94-CH
- European Champion, Colmar 2016
- Grand Champion Swiss Expo 2015
- Grand Champion Expo Bulle 2016
- Grand Champion Expo Bulle 2015
- Reserve Grand Champion Swiss Expo 2015
- Jr. Milking Champion Swiss Expo 2014
- Jr. 2-Yr Old Champion SPACE 2013
Friday, October the 22th 2021
CONSIGN your very best now, through the contact persons mentioned below.
Nosbisch Holsteins +49 (0)1714368388 nici_nosbisch@web.de
Torben Melbaum +49 (0)17661303019 tm@bullseyegenetics.de
Eurogenes +31 (0)643985150 avdvlis@eurogenes.nl
Eurogenes +31 (0)652897333 escholten@eurogenes.nl
RUW +49 (0)1725353691 umueller@ruweg.de