
Top 25 polled GTPI females in Europe!

Today we'll introduce you the top 25 POLLED females in Europe with all above >3004 GTPI! Topping the list is DG Babita at +3156 GTPI with +1205 NM$, she is a polled Holysmokes daughter from the Rainyridge Talent Barbara EX-95-USA cow family! In second we find a Maxwell P daughter from the United Kingdom at +3102 GTPI and +1133 NM$. At the third spot we find Drakkar Bariva, a Percival daughter from the Sunnylodge Prelude Spottie VG-87-CAN 18* cow family at +3100 GTPI in combination with +2.13 PTAT and +1001 NM$. She is full sister to Drakkar Bellano at +3119 GTPI / +991 NM$ / +2.61 PTAT and to Dkr Ursaki P, a Polled Percival son at +3127 GTPI in combination with +1044 NM$ and +1.96 PTAT. He become available in the AI-Total portfolio. Her dam, DGF Briana VG-86-FR VG-87-MS 2yr., is an unique Luster P 2yr. old and dam to more heifers in this polled ranking! 

Top 25 GTPI POLLED daughters in Europe: CLICK HERE

#1 GTPI Polled female in Europe: DG Babita (PEDIGREE)

US 04/24 GTPI +3156 / NM $ 1205 / PTAT +0.91
Holysmokes x DG Babet P (s. Monument P) x DG Brenna (s. Charl)

#3 GTPI Polled female in Europe: Drakkar Bariva (PEDIGREE)
US 04/24 GTPI +3100 / NM $ 1001 / PTAT +2.13
Percival x DGF Briana P VG-86-FR VG-87-MS 2yr. (s. Luster P) x DGF Brenda (s. Imax)

#8 GTPI Polled female in Europe: DG Heloise P (PEDIGREE)
US 04/24 GTPI +3061 / NM $ 1136 / PTAT +1.24
Captain x Gen Heidi VG-88-NL (s. Charl) x Wilder Hit *PO (s. Answer *PO) x Wilder Herz P VG-87-DE

#17 GTPI Polled female in Europe: DG Ambree *RC P (PEDIGREE)
US 04/24 GTPI +3022 / NM $ 971 / PTAT +2.08
Lambeau x SFH Alizee P Red (s. Solitair) x SGF Alcantara (s. Rusty-Red)

Learn more about Drakkar Holsteins / DG France - view their Eurogenes profile
To contact Drakkar Holsteins / DG France, click here or use the following contact information.

Drakkar Holsteins / DG France
Ferme de Beauchamp
Gonneville Sur Honfleur, France
Phone: +33 (0)679961625
Web Site: http://www.eurogenes.com/drakkar
Email: jan.vdo@diamond-genetics.fr

Learn more about Diamond Genetics - view their Eurogenes profile
To contact Diamond Genetics, click here or use the following contact information.

Diamond Genetics
Wijhe, Netherlands
8131 PK
Phone: +31 (0)570 589900
Web Site: http://www.diamondgenetics.nl
Email: info@diamond-genetics.nl

Learn more about Zandenburg Holsteins - view their Eurogenes profile
To contact Zandenburg Holsteins, click here or use the following contact information.

Zandenburg Holsteins
Ripseweg 40
Elsendorp, Netherlands
5424 SM
Phone: +31 (0) 622391505
Web Site: http://www.zandenburgholsteins.nl
Email: Sommersmelkveehouderij@outlook.com

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