Snapshot heifers in Online Easter Heifer Sale
We have received some more great pictures of the heifers selling in the Online Easter Heifer Sale. Al-Lew Monterey Ashley EX-90-USA 4yr. her +2756 GTPI / 150 RZG Kenobi grand daughter! Dam is a sister to the GTPI Giant: Mr Frazzled Aristocrat (+2832 GTPI / 1.89 PTAT) - sold for $620,000, backed by 9 generations EXCELLENT Durham Annabell's. A pretty Huey daughter with +2750 GTPI of the PROTEIN QUEEN: Marilyn Monroe VG-86-DE 2yr. who has >13 sons in A.I. and is for over 4 years the #1 RZG heifer or cow in Germany and +2743 GTPI & BB / A2A2 Zekon grand daughter of Marilyn Monroe which her maternal sister sold for 25.000 EUR.
Start: Vrijdag 10. April / Friday 10. April
Sluiting: / Closing: Vrijdag 17. April 21:00 uur / Friday 17. April 09:00 P.M. (Dutch Time)
Veiling Methode: / Sale Methode: TAG+ Sale methode
NH Kenobi Atamanga > CLICK HERE <
- +2756 GTPI // 150 RZG Kenobi grand dtr of Al-Lew Monterey Ashley EX-90-USA @ FLUSH AGE!
- Dam is brother to the GTPI Giant Mr Frazzled ARISTOCRAT (+2832 GTPI / 1.89 PTAT) - sold for $620,000
- From the incredible Durham Annabell cow family! 9 generations EXCELLENT
Snapshot dam: DG NH Amalia (s. Charley) - currently 38,4kgM 4.29%F 3.64%P
NH Sunview Zekon Melua (BB / A2A2) > CLICK HERE <
- +2743 GTPI & BB / A2A2 at FLUSH AGE Zekon daughter of Gym Mystery!!
- Maternal sister by Kenobi sold for 25.000 EUR in the HighlightSale 2020
- Grand dam is the #1 RZG cow / heifer for over 4 years in Germany: Marilyn Monroe VG-86-DE 2yr.
NH Huey Marilen (BB / A2A2) > CLICK HERE <
- Straight from the LEGEND herself!! The ONLY Huey with +2750 GTPI of Marilyn Monroe VG-86-DE 2yr. SELLS!
- Marilyn Monroe has >13 sons in A.I. and is for >4 years the #1 RZG heifer or cow in Germany!
- She is as well the PROTEIN machine with 4.1% PROTEIN!
- Backed by 10 generations VG scored cows from the Jo-Wal Cleitus Macey VG-87-USA GMD DOM family
View complete offering: CLICK HERE