Snapshots lots NH Winter Fun Sale 2021
Just two days until the Nosbisch Holsteins Winter Fun Sale 2021 will start on Friday, March the 12th 2020 (Niederweis, Germany - online through - the quality in this great sale is incredible! Hereby the snapshot of the sale heifers & cows selling this Friday evening! Click further for the pictures and video complication.
Nosbisch Holsteins Winter Fun Sale 2021
Friday, March the 12th 2021 (19:30 German-time)
Snapshots lots:
Lot 1. NH Moovin Barbara *RC
Lot 2a. MS Loretta (Package deal)
Lot 2b. MS Papaya (Package deal)
Lot 3. NH Aristo Funny
Lot 5. Mattenhof HO Graziana VG-87-DE 2yr.
Lot 6. Evolution Graziana P *RC
Lot 7. Evolution Unix Get Ready
Lot 10. NH Gen Samana *RC
Lot 11. NH Gen Sassy Red
Lot 12. NH Gen Radar Saturn
Lot 13. NH Evolution Einstein Sue
Lot 16. NH Jordy Atlee Red
Lot 17. Loh TJ Amore Red
Lot 19. NH Azzopardi Sudance Red
Lot 20. NH Evolution Marie
Lot 22. NH Evolution Free Manila
Lot 25. Aristocrat jumper bull of NH Sunview Gym Mystery
Lot 27. NH Doc Fire
Lot 28. NH Fanta 4
Lot 29. NH Supreme Paya
Lot 31. MS Sidekick Frosty
Lot 35. NH DG Anastica P
Lot 36. NH Hot Alliaya
Lot 37. MS Unix Sensation
Lot 39. NH DG Chrome Vacation
Niederweis, Germany